Sunday, May 9, 2010

caps, gowns, diplomas and the future

This past weekend was filled with really good time spent with people that I just don’t get to see enough. That seems to be a theme for me... if I could figure out a way to crash all of my people into one place at one time and stay there - now that would just be stinking awesome.

Graduation from high school; I remember it well. Excitement mixed with anxiety and teeny-tiny, itty bitty smidge of sadness... mostly just complete and total excitement. The thrill and anticipation of my dreams of the future and my hope for what was to come.

If I had been given a magic ball that allowed me to peer into the future, I would have looked into it expecting to see my life unfold in a certain way and expecting to be a certain person. It hasn’t unfolded as I expected it would and I am not who I expected I would be; I thank God for that everyday.

It’s funny really, what a blessing my unanswered prayers truly are. If things had gone according to MY plan, I would have missed out on so many things. I would have missed knowing these girls and I would have missed photographing THESE moments, and that would have been tragic, because clearly, this is just good stuff. One of the most fun aspects of photography, is the challenge of capturing that one moment that just sums it all up... well, these two photos of Alex and Lee, this is what I’m talking about. Graduation summed up in a photo = Done and done.

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