Monday, May 10, 2010


My mama is awesome for a million and one different reasons, all of which I could list and go on and on and on and on about. Then I could go on some more, so given my tendency to be long winded, its probably best that I avoid listing her many gifts and talents or this would go on forever...

This past weekend was very full and has left me feeling incredibly blessed, and on this day that is all about celebrating “mothers,” it seems only appropriate that I spent the weekend attempting to do the one thing my mama does better than most - love others well. She preaches kindness, gentleness and love through the way she lives her life. She leads by example, and she is nothing short of amazing.

Mama, thank you for loving me so well. Simply put, your desire to glorify God with your life, your heart, your spirit and your faith amaze me. You amaze me. Thank you for every teeny, tiny detail you handle to make sure our family “works” and that life as I know it is what it is. I love you.

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