Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the iPad has changed my life

I'll tell you this, I've continued to pray through the struggle of needs vs. wants, but if ever there were a piece o' technology that I need - as in life changing need - that piece o' techno is fo' sho my iPad.

This little nugget of genius has revolutionized my world. It's like my new baby blanket, I don't want to leave it at home, or in the car, I want to sleep with it and take it everywhere I go.

Now maybe that is borderline dysfunctional, but it is what it is. iPad I heart you. Thank you Santa for my iPad, after 25+ years of resentment for never bringing me the Robie Jr. that I asked for at least 7 Christmases in a row, I now forgive you completely. You have made technology amends, and you may continue to visit me annually.

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